Monday, November 16, 2015

Wegmans deli pizza

This is a pizza that was picked up pre-made in the deli section of Wegmans.  It is a white cheese and garlic pizza on naan bread.  At a price of $6.49 it is maybe an 8" pizza size.  Not sure if it was on sale or something since the package says $6.99.  This is a big single serving or a side for two.

I was not too impressed with this pizza.  It is exactly what it says and nothing more.  I did bake it directly on the oven shelf for a crispier crust.  It was a very mild garlic cheesy bread really  ;)

This would make a good little appetizer but at that price I may just try that actual deli pizza that has red sauce and hopefully more flavor.

This is getting a 6/10 from me especially since two of my kids didn't like it at all.

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