Saturday, March 5, 2016

Wegmans App


Have you tried the Wegman's App??  It is such a quick and easy download and it even tracks your purchases.  If you are wondering how I know the exact prices of items-- its because of this little beauty.   You can keep a list and look and see what you purchased before-- which tells me I shop there way too often!   

I have not made any of the recipes but would love to see food reviews on here in the future  (wishful thinking I am sure!)

Download it for sure!  

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Wegmans Sparkling Water- Lime

I am trying to stay off of soda-- so I switched to sparkling water!  I went with a major brand before Wegmans moved in, so I thought I would give theirs a try.   It is exactly the same thing!  I mean same flavor and same fizziness...exactly the same thing.   Except its cheaper!   A 12 pack of cans is $2.99.

I don't always want an entire can so they also have this in the plastic bottles-- which I love!  Then you can take a little or a lot and just keep in in the fridge.  A 12 pack of 33.8 fl oz bottles is $5.69.


The stats are zero calories, zero fat, zero across the board.  We have gone through a case of this stuff already and it will remain a staple item in this house  ;)    Rated  10/10

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wegmans veggie sushi

The sushi at Wegmans is very fresh and often times they have a guy right there making it in front of you!  The brown rice veggie sushi is what my daughter gets and always requests now!  It is healthy and the price is right at $4.99 for this meal.   It says on the package that it is 180 calories.

The rice is perfectly sticky and the veggies are just right.  There is dipping sauce included as well.  There are many different varieties and size platters of their sushi in its own case near the pre-made foods section.

This has become a standard favorite in our house.   Based on the consistency and getting at least one of my kids to eat healthy....I give it a 9/10.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wegmans Candy Cane double filled cookies

Of course we had to try anything that is seasonal and in cookie form!  This package of Wegmans Candy Cane double filled O's were on the shelves around Thanksgiving.  Cute package design and at $1.99 a they were a good deal!  The stats on these aren't too bad either and they tasted great. They have a good amount of peppermint flavor but not overwhelming.

One cute thing is on the cookie itself there is what looked like a heart....awwww but if you turn it around it is the Wegmans W logo-- lol.  These are a keeper item and I would give them a 9/10.  We will see how long into winter they stay!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Wegmans Peanut Butter Sunday Ice Cream

My first glowing review of a product that may just get a perfect 10!!  So first of all, we love ice cream and of course had to try this new brand.  There are so many flavors to choose from it was hard to narrow it down to just two this trip  ;)

The size and sturdiness of the package is good and at $1.99 for 48oz makes it an amazing value!  The ice cream is just so filled with chunks and swirls that its just like a peanut butter cup in every bite.  Everyone loved this ice cream flavor and we will be working our way through the other flavors if we can ever get off this one.  These ice creams are staying on our list!

Rated a 10/10 for quality, taste and value!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Wegmans Crescent rolls in the tube

Ok so for Thanksgiving we usually have the canned crescent rolls so I thought we would try the Wegmans brand!  Well....when they came out of the can I was really skeptical of their mushy and uneven consistency.  They opened fine and when you unrolled them they were gummy and well...not very pretty.

After baking them however-- they were delicious!  They looked just fine and tasted great.  This is one product I guess you cant judge a book by its cover.   These were on sale for Thanksgiving for .99 for 8 rolls so that does make them a bargain!!  We had them plain and with cheese and both were golden and delicious.  

I would rate these a 8/10 for the price and how they turned out at the end!   A tasty choice on sale.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Wegmans macaroni salad

Wegmans macaroni salad was located in the deli section of the store and really looked good!  I opted for the small portion because this isn't the cheapest of options.  But I always think that if the salad is that good then it will be worth it.

We cracked it open and dug in.  Meh.  Its not bad really-- the pasta is nice and firm and it seems creamy enough...its just too plain.  My daughter thought it needed some sort of zing with pickle.  So sad this wasn't better and I hate to think that whatever I buy I have to "doctor" to get it to taste good.  (Now mind you we did stand there and polish off the entire container  lol)

So unless they say new and improved or there is a new flavor, we will be passing on this one.

Giving this a 4/10 for a rating.