Friday, November 27, 2015

Wegmans Crescent rolls in the tube

Ok so for Thanksgiving we usually have the canned crescent rolls so I thought we would try the Wegmans brand!  Well....when they came out of the can I was really skeptical of their mushy and uneven consistency.  They opened fine and when you unrolled them they were gummy and well...not very pretty.

After baking them however-- they were delicious!  They looked just fine and tasted great.  This is one product I guess you cant judge a book by its cover.   These were on sale for Thanksgiving for .99 for 8 rolls so that does make them a bargain!!  We had them plain and with cheese and both were golden and delicious.  

I would rate these a 8/10 for the price and how they turned out at the end!   A tasty choice on sale.

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